Warex is the general sponsor of the Jeseník football club

11. 10. 2023 | BACKSTAGE NEWS

Following on from the existing cooperation with the team of FK Jeseník, the mutual cooperation is deepening significantly. From 01.10.2023 WAREX became the general partner of the football club and at the same time the name of the football club was changed to FK WAREX Jeseník.

We have chosen the Jeseník Football Club because we are aware of the importance of social responsibility and especially of supporting sport, youth and their leisure time.

Sport, youth and leisure are three areas that are inextricably linked. Sport is an important part of young people’s lives, helping them to develop physical and mental health, learn teamwork and responsibility. Youth, in turn, is the future of society and it is therefore important to care for them and support their development. Leisure time is essential for rest and relaxation, which are essential for health and mental well-being. As our production plant is located in the Jeseník district, it was an obvious choice to sponsor a club in this district that has a broad youth base and thus connects the above mentioned areas.

The sponsorship agreement is for two years with the possibility of further extension. We wish the football club FK WAREX Jeseník many sporting successes!